Read the passage. Then, select the text that best helps you understand the meaning of inimical.
During World War II, almost every military in the world proscribed female aviators
in combat roles. The 588th Night Bomber Regiment, an all-female Soviet unit of
fighter pilots, was a notable exception. The eighty-member unit was formed in 1941
at the urging of Marina Raskova, who was known as the Soviet Amelia Earhart. The
pilots of the 588th served under conditions inimical to safety as they struggled to
gain the respect of their male peers and superiors. They flew primarily night
missions in flimsy plywood planes that lacked radios, radar, and even parachutes.
Despite these disadvantages, the regiment's skill earned it a fearsome reputation
among German forces.
What is the meaning of inimical as used in the passage?
A-fundamental or essential.
B-conducive or advantageous
C-unusual or exceptional
D-Adverse or unfavorable