Each of the following complex sentences has one independent and one dependent clause. Identify the dependent clause, and write whether it's used as an adjective or as an adverb.

1. Ben is willing to try anything that will improve his condition.
2. The weather vane, which is on the roof of the barn, is pointing toward the west.
3. I went to the conference after I received your report.
4. Unless the directions are followed carefully, the results will not be satisfactory.
5. Will the person whose car is blocking the driveway please move the car now?
6. We will wait for you where the road forks.
7. Read the opinions of the best authorities on the subject before you make up your mind.
8. Martin Van Buren, who was the eighth president of the United States, was a native of New York state.
9. Please close the book that is on your desk.
10. The paint that you ordered for your kitchen wall is washable.