For this activity, you will create a timeline plotting at least six of the historical developments in astronomy that we discussed in the unit. You must choose at least two events from our discussion of ancient cultures and at least two events from modern space travel (20th century and beyond). You will also add a “plot twist” in history—rewriting at least two of your events, describing how they could have unfolded if certain things had changed in history before them. Make sure to read all instructions before beginning.

Step 1: Choose Your Events
Remember, you must choose at least six historical events. Choose your events based on what interests you most and what you’d like to spend a little bit of time learning more about.

Step 2: Plot Your Events on a Timeline
You may create either a digital or a hand-drawn timeline on paper or a poster board. Whichever you decide, draw your timeline and plot each of your six events on the line. For each event, write the year (or range of years) in which it occurred and two facts about it: one fact can be from the unit text and the other you need to find through some quick research. For example, if you choose the Aztec New Fire ceremonies as your event, you would plot it between 1100 and 1521 CE, and list one fact from the unit as well as one fact you found on your own. You will cite your sources in a separate document when you are finished, so keep track of the resources you use and make sure they are reputable (printed works or from .org, .gov, .edu, etc. websites). State your facts in complete sentences, tying them together with transitions if needed, rather than writing bullet points below your event. This means your statement of facts may be longer than two sentences per event.

Make sure that your timeline does not take up all of the vertical space on your page, as you will need space at the bottom of your page for the next step.

A rectangular box representing a landscape-oriented piece of paper, with a horizontal line drawn across it, with about half of the space remaining empty below the line so that something else can be added.
Save room on your timeline page for the next step.

Step 3: Create Your Own Adventure with a Plot Twist
Now, by choosing the fourth event on your timeline, you will create a “plot twist” in your activity, and this is the reason you saved space at the bottom of your page. Your task is to reimagine this event and change it somehow. For example, if your fourth event is Apollo 13, you may reimagine that the crew successfully landed on the moon and discovered liquid water.

Draw another “arm” of your timeline below your original timeline, stemming from your fourth event.

The original timeline with six events spaced evenly, with another line coming down and across the bottom of the paper, stemming from event 4.
Draw your “plot twist” line stemming from your fourth event.

Step 4: Describe Your Plot Twist
To the left of your plot twist timeline, describe your plot twist: how did you re-imagine event 4? What was different about it? Then, under events 5 and 6, describe how those events might have changed (or maybe not happened at all!) based on the plot twist in event 4. One to two sentences per description is sufficient.

To complete this activity, submit:

Your completed timeline including:
six events (at least two from each category—ancient cultures and modern space exploration)
year or timeframe of event
two facts about each event—one from the text and one researched, woven together well with complete sentences
plot twist line stemming from event 4
your descriptions of the plot twist and how it would affect events 5 and 6, each description at least one full sentence
Word processing document with the sources you consulted for your research, in APA format
Include at least six sources (one for each event)