This morning has been a very busy one for you. Your employer is leaving for a trip to one of your company's international locations.From the time your work-day began at 8:30 this morning until now (1 p.m.),you have not stopped. In fact, you have not even taken any time for lunch.Your employer has given you numerous tasks that must be accomplished before he leaves, and he told you that he would not see anyone this morning due to his busy schedule. About ten minutes ago, a woman came in and asked to see you employer. You explained that he was extremely busy and was not seeing anyone this morning. (She did not have an appointment.) She kept insisting that she must see him.Yousuggested that she see his assistant. She refused, and in a very loud voice announced that she would see him. She berated you for being "his overzealous protector" and then marched into his office before you could stop her. After she left, your employer said, "I thought you Understood I was not seeing anyone. What happened?" You could tell that he was not happy. You feel that you did not handle the situation well.


How could you have handled it differently? What should you say to youremployer, and should you say it? Answer the questions and discuss your answers concisely.​