1 Jonah is employed as a joiner by a firm whose main business
activity is building houses. The firm also employs bricklayers,
plumbers, painters and other skilled tradesmen. Other factors
of production are used when building houses. The owner of
the firm, Jack, believes that specialisation of labour brings
many benefits to the business and its employees.
In his spare time, Jonah makes wooden toys which his sister
sells on her stall at the local market. He buys the wood and
other resources from a local supplier. The wooden toys have
been so successful that Jonah has decided to leave his job
as a joiner to set up his own toy-making business.
Identify two stages of business activity.
b Define 'opportunity cost'.
c Identify four factors of production.
Explain two ways Jonah could add
value to his toys.
e Do you agree with Jack that 'specialisation of labour
brings many benefits to the business and its employees'?
Justify your answer.