Glenn Curtiss was a pioneer in aviation. He designed the first flying boat. In 1919, his flying boat made its first flight across the Atlantic Ocean. Curtiss was an overnight ,begin underline,sensation,end underline,. He became known worldwide. The number of long-distance flights began to increase, and the world began to experience significant growth in air travel.
,fill in the blank,

,begin bold,Dictionary,end bold,

,begin bold,sensation,end bold, (sen • ,begin bold,say,end bold, • shuhn) ,begin italics,n,end italics,. ,begin bold,1.,end bold, the state of being aware of something through one of the five senses ,begin bold,2.,end bold, a general feeling or awareness ,begin bold,3.,end bold, the reason for widespread interest or excitement about something ,begin bold,4.,end bold, a condition of extreme excitement about something ,begin bold,5.,end bold, an experience that causes heightened awareness
Which is the correct meaning of ,begin emphasis,sensation,end emphasis, as it used in the passage?
Answer options with 4 options
a unique experience
a state of having keen senses
a cause of great public interest
a condition of unusual awareness