Can I get a bit of help on this, I'm not the best at grammar.
Thank you in advance!!
Make corrections to the above copy of your SAR. Make sure to correct ALL grammatical errors including but not limited to run-ons, sentence fragments, comma splices, subject-verb agreements/compound subjects, sentence structure types, and semi colons.

Then, demonstrate where the grammatical concepts are used properly. Highlight all independent clauses in yellow and all dependent clauses in green. Highlight in a different color all correct usage of subjects and verbs. Underline all simple sentences and italizce all complex, compound, and compound-complex sentences.

Lastly, in bold, correct ANY other grammatical errors that you may have (capitalization, punctuation, etc)!
Names are important because they influence our success. An example of this is shown in "The Age of the Unique Baby Name" by Joe Pinsker, "Immigrants injected some variety by using names from their home countries, but also sometimes opted for (or felt pressured to pick) “whiter-sounding” names in hopes of fitting in". This is later followed by, "At a time when the path to success seemed communal, being like other people wasn’t seen as a bad thing". These quotes show that people with the same names in the early 20th century were seen as successful in view of relatablitlity. Another example is shown in "More Than Just A Name" by PeopleFinders, "People are easily drawn to what their name relates to". This sentence is followed by examples of names connected with success or luck in life such as Bob Diamond, the president and Ceo of Barclays, Chris Moneymaker, the first amateur winner of the $2.5m World Series of Poker, and Svetlana Filippova, an olymic sprindboard diver.