Fusing hydrogen to make helium in the Sun

Step 4. Make helium like a star
Take two protons (hydrogen nuclei)
Bring them together

Replace one proton with a neutron
A proton is converted into a neutron as the two protons ‘fuse’ together.
Break off two small pieces from this proton before you swap it for a neutron. One of these pieces is a positron – a positively charged anti-electron – and the other is a neutrino.

Now you have a deuterium nuclei (one proton and one neutron)
Repeat so you have two deuterium nuclei.
Take another proton (hydrogen nucleus) and fuse it to your deuterium nucleus.

Now you have two helium-3 nuclei (helium with only one neutron)

What type of EM wave/radiation is created by this process?
Is this considered HIgh or Low EM energy ?