Week 6 Activity 6 6.1. In winter many shacks at the informal settlement get burnt due to paraffin fire in groups of five draw a plan that you will use to create awareness of the dangers of paraffin. The following steps can be followed when drawing the plan: Brainstorming about the various problems of paraffin fires in the informal settlements, how to go about with the campaign of creating awareness, who are the people that you will involve in your campaign, the roles of the people that you are going to involve and (35) the steps that you will take for this campaign to happen in other words your, plan of action. Finally present your plan of action to the class. Rubric Criteria 1. Problems identified. 2. Campaign strategies 3. Involvement of people 4 Roles of the people. 5. Plan of action Mark(2-3) Mark(0-1) Problems not Problems clearly identified Campaign does not have clear strategies Not much is said about involvement of the people. Not much is said about the roles of the people. Plan of action not satisfactory partially identified. Campaign have a partial strategies Little has been said about the Involvement of the people Little is said about the roles of the people. Plan of action partially done. Mark(4-5) Problems adequately identified Campaign have clear strategies Enough has been said about the involvement of the people Enough has been said about the roles of the people Plan of action adequately done. Mark(6-7) Problems excellently identified Campaign have excellent strategies Much has been said about the involvement of the people. Much has been said about the roles of the people. Plan of action excellently done