Which version of sentence 3 (reproduced below) provides the most effective thesis statement for the passage?

In many ways, modern society has developed an unhealthy dependency on technology.

(As it is now)
Modern society has developed an unhealthy dependence on technology and social media, which has led to a significant increase in learning disabilities and communication issues.
With new applications to enhance communication and speed up the transfer of information, technology use has skyrocketed to an unhealthy, unprecedented, and unacceptable level of usage.
The ability to communicate face-to-face in modern society has been impeded by an unhealthy dependency on technology and the applications that allow people to virtually interact.
Despite the fact that advancements in technology have made life easier in many ways, modern society’s dependency on certain technological applications has adversely affected both learning and communication skills.

Which version of sentence 3 reproduced below provides the most effective thesis statement for the passage In many ways modern society has developed an unhealthy class=
Which version of sentence 3 reproduced below provides the most effective thesis statement for the passage In many ways modern society has developed an unhealthy class=