Supreme Court’s Opinion in the Brown v. Board of Education case,
They said that separating people on the bias color at public schools was unconstitutional.
The Little Rock School Board set up the plan for integration of the Little Rock Nine in 1957,
The plan was to start desegregation and filter down to the lower grades but the segregationests didn’t agree with this.
Governor Orval Faubus’ action in using the Arkansas National Guard to stop integration,
He used his power to prevent the black students from entering the school as it was where the rich white people went and he also wanted to be reelected.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s action in sending in the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division’s Rangers to enforce the Brown v. Board of Education case,
This happened because the mob stopped the enforcement of the federal law and he did it to uphold the rulings of the supreme court. My opinion on this was that Eisenhower was a good leader because even if he did not agree with it he used his power to enforce the law.
Governor Orval Faubus and the State Legislature of Arkansas shutting down the public schools in Little Rock for the 1958-1959 school year to stop racial integration.
This event happened to make sure that he gets reelected as the governor, most black people didn’t have high paying jobs and so they couldn’t send their kids to private schools like the whites could, this also had effect on the economy because some blacks didn’t have jobs due to Faubus shutting down schools. Personally I think this is bad because not are you shutting down schools but you are affecting people directly and their life.