1. Choose a visual, text, or other media item that is political in nature. This List provides some examples
of media items and guidance on where to locate them on the internet. Be sure to include the media item, or
directions on how to access it, with your assessment.
2. What is the political message of your chosen media item? In one well-written paragraph, answer this
question by explaining the background of the text, image, or video. This background paragraph should include
who created the media item, when, for whom, and for what purpose.
3. What bias exists in your media item? In a second well-written paragraph, explain what bias the message
reveals and how. This analysis paragraph should explain at least one strategy from the lesson that the media
item uses to persuade people, such as symbolism or emotional appeal.
4. How have the media changed over time, and how has this affected political communication? In a third
well-written paragraph, answer this question in your own words.