Shang China Video Questions
Shang Dynasty
1) How many people were slaughtered by royal decree?
2) What is the capital city of China?
3) What did Chinese archaeologists discover near the city of Anyang in 1928? building foundations, bronzes, chariots, pottery, stone and jade, and thousands of oracle bones.
4) What did royal priests do with the items from #3? Why?
5) What did archaeologists find when they descended down the ramp into the tombs and mausoleums?
6) What were the Shang required to do in order to show their wisdom?
7) What did the Shang value more highly than gold? bronze
8) Who is Wu Ding?
9) Who was the Shang’s greatest general?
10) What were the Shang kings and aristocracy addicted to?
11) What was the problem with bronze drinking vessels?
12) What was one of the torture methods used by Shang kings?
13) What were found smashed to pieces near Sanxindui?
14) How did the kings of Sanxindui avoid killing their subjects?
Zhou Dynasty
15) How did King Wu secure his dynasty?
16) What was the punishment for the man that slandered his mastered?
17) What is the name for the period in Chinese history from 481 BC to 221 BC when the different regions in China battled each other for supremacy?

18) What important weapon was developed in China 1300 years before it was developed in Europe? It had a sophisticated trigger mechanism.

19) What did the Zhou generals resort to when all else failed?
20) What did convicts do in front of enemy soldiers?
21) Why did convicts do this?
22) What musical instrument did Chinese artists make out of bronze?
Ch’in (Qin) Dynasty
23) Which kingdom was the most resourceful during the Warring States Period?
24) How did the Chinese turn central China into lush farmland?
25) Who was Ch’in Shi Huangdi?
26) How could the lowest commoner raise his rank and social status?
27) What happened to all 450,000 enemy soldiers that were captured?
28) What was the Ch’in’s greatest accomplishment?
29) What did 200,000 convicts and 100,000 troops build to protect China from nomadic warriors?
30) What happened to the hobbled, broken bodies of the men who died building this project?
31) How many miles long is the Great Wall of China?
32) How many scholars were buried alive?
33) What happened after Ch’in’s death?
Han Dynasty
34) What was the network of rough trails used to transport Chinese merchandise?
35) How long were the coffins buried underground?
36) What disease scarred Lady Xi’s lungs?
37) How many terra cotta horses and soldiers were discovered in Pit #1?