Albertostart color #28ae7b, start text, A, l, b, e, r, t, o, end text, end color #28ae7b and \blue{\textrm{Bianca}}Biancastart color #6495ed, start text, B, i, a, n, c, a, end text, end color #6495ed run a 50\text{ km}50 km50, start text, space, k, m, end text race. The illustration below shows the graph of the position of the two runners as a function of time.
Complete the following sentences based on the graph of the function.
Early in the race,
runs faster.
Alberto maintains a speed of
\text{ km/h} km/hstart text, space, k, m, slash, h, end text during the first hour of the race.
However, after one hour he gets tired and must take a break. Unfortunately, he falls asleep!
Meanwhile, Bianca's running speed
The first person to cross the finish line is